24 September 2018
Have you decided that you want to plan your own cremation funeral service? Perhaps you're not even sick or even old, but you have recently attended a funeral that made you think of the time of your own passing. No matter your age, planning your own funeral service might be one of the most thoughtful things you will ever do in your lifetime. Have you thought about how that will help the ones you leave behind?
28 June 2018
If you recently lost a family member in a very drastic way, such as a horrible car accident or work-related death, then you have a very big decision to make. Out of respect for the deceased and for the surviving family members, you likely do not want an open casket funeral service. That just leaves closed casket service or cremation services. Here is how to choose. Consult With the Closest Family Members
29 May 2018
When it comes to selecting a headstone or memorial marker for your loved one, there are many different designs to choose from. However, there are also a lot of special finishing touches you can add to the simplest of designs. If you are looking for a way to customize your loved one's headstone, here are some options to consider. Under-Stone Plaques Adding an etching or engraving under the stone offers a unique way to leave a secret or special message for your loved one.
3 May 2018
Are you torn about what you want to for the funeral of a loved one that recently passed away? If so, you'll most likely be deciding between a burial or cremation. Here are some reasons to select cremation over the other options. Cremation Has Minimal Costs If you are on a budget, but still want to take the proper steps to celebrate the life of your loved one, cremation can help you stay within your budget.
24 March 2018
Should you be in the process of selecting an urn to buy for the purpose of holding a deceased family members remains, there are several things to think about if you plan to keep the urn in your home. You'll likely be focused on the appearance of the urn; some people like ceramic vase-style urns, while others favor wooden boxes. While there's no disputing that the look of the urn is important, don't forget to also give some thought to its design.
5 March 2018
One of the many creative ways that you can use the cremated remains of someone in your family who has just passed away is to send it to a company that mixed some of the remains with gunpowder and loads it into live ammunition. This approach can be a perfect idea for honoring someone who served in the armed forces, worked as a law enforcement officer, or was simply a firearm enthusiast or collector.
6 February 2018
When a loved one passes on, saying good-bye is never going to be an easy process. It can be many times more complicated when few mourners are left behind. Try not to stress about this aspect of the service. You don't need the extra pressure during this already difficult time. Keep in mind that it makes sense that not everyone will leave behind dozens of people to attend a cremation service.
2 December 2017
If you have been placed in charge of putting together funeral services, but you are working within a tight budget, you might start to worry whether or not what you plan will be suitable and memorable enough. As long as you are making use of some or all of the following bits of advice, this should not be a major problem for you: Skip The Expensive Casket While some of the family and friends might glance over the casket, the expense of it is not usually something that crosses their mind.
7 November 2017
Death is a part of life, so you will most likely face the passing of a family member or friend at one point in your life. If you have not experienced loss, you may not be familiar with the etiquette rules to follow when you pay your respects at a visitation or funeral service. If you have recently lost a friend and will be paying your respects to the deceased's family members, here are a few things you should avoid saying at the funeral.
22 October 2017
No one wants to think about it, but it's something that will eventually affect everyone. If you haven't started planning your funeral, you should. If you don't, your loved ones will be left to do it for you. Taking care of the preparations yourself will ensure that you get the funeral you want and that you save your family members the emotional toll that planning a funeral can take. Planning your own funeral can also save your family some money.