7 November 2017
Death is a part of life, so you will most likely face the passing of a family member or friend at one point in your life. If you have not experienced loss, you may not be familiar with the etiquette rules to follow when you pay your respects at a visitation or funeral service. If you have recently lost a friend and will be paying your respects to the deceased's family members, here are a few things you should avoid saying at the funeral.
22 October 2017
No one wants to think about it, but it's something that will eventually affect everyone. If you haven't started planning your funeral, you should. If you don't, your loved ones will be left to do it for you. Taking care of the preparations yourself will ensure that you get the funeral you want and that you save your family members the emotional toll that planning a funeral can take. Planning your own funeral can also save your family some money.
3 October 2017
Memorializing a loved one is a bittersweet thing to do. On one side, grieving may stop you from doing this task. On the other, the desire to cling to the memory of your departed encourages you to think of creative ways to memorialize them. When you're looking at options for funerals and after, here are five creative ways to memorialize a loved one. Headstone Opting for a traditional headstone does not automatically mean you cannot get creative.
14 September 2017
If you are considering pre-planning your funeral, you may be considering whether to choose cremation or burial. Cremation does come with a several benefits, and it might be worth going over them before you make your decision. Here are just some of the many benefits of choosing cremation. No Need For A Burial Plot It can sometimes be difficult for families to decide where a loved one should be laid to rest.
4 September 2017
Planning your funeral arrangements in advance is a thoughtful parting gift to your family. Planning a funeral of a loved one is very stressful and it has to be done at a time of sorrow which makes it even worse. You can spare your family the pain and stress by making all of the arrangements yourself and you can even pay for your funeral in advance. Here are some things you can have planned out.
15 August 2017
While no one likes to think about death, it's important that you give your final wishes some thought so that you can advise your loved ones on how you want your affairs to be handled after your own death. More and more people are opting to have their bodies cremated after death. Cremation provides you with a number of creative ways to preserve your memory after your passing. Here are three unique things that you might want to consider having your friends and family members do with your ashes.
29 July 2017
While death is a difficult subject to talk about, we all have to deal with death at various times throughout our lifetime. It's a good idea to take some time to plan your own affairs while you're still alive so that your wishes are respected later on down the road. If you're struggling to talk about these types of decisions, a funeral planner can help you better understand your options and start to feel more comfortable having these talks.