Planning a Memorial Service

When Death Is Unexpected: 3 Situations That Suggest Cremation as the Most Caring Choice

by Wade Watkins

 Deaths that come at the end of a long life or an extended illness are always sad. Conversely, however, they may actually be easier for those left behind to accept and deal with. Unfortunately, deaths that occur without warning always make up a significant portion of the death statistics. Whether caused by vehicle or other types of accidents, drug overdoses, suicides, an act of violence, or an unexpected illness, these are the deaths that often place increased levels of stress on grieving family members and loved ones simply because of their unexpected nature. 

If you have just been notified of an unexpected death, there are some specific situations in which opting to include cremation as part of the final arrangements for your loved one can help reduce some of the stress surrounding your loss. 

Solving transportation problems for the deceased

Because most unexpected deaths are due to accidents or events that occur without warning, they often take place in locations that are well away from the town or area where their family resides. This will mean that the family of the deceased will be responsible for making arrangements for the loved one's body to be transported back to their home location. If the death was the result of an accident, crime, or circumstance that requires an investigation, the body may not be released for several days, making it even more difficult to arrange transport and make the final arrangements. 

Opting to work with a crematorium in the area where the death occurred can reduce or often prevent the need to transport the intact body back to the hometown. Most crematoriums can work with families to collect the body, perform the cremation per their wishes, and then ship the cremains back to them within a short time after the body is released. 

Easing some of the unexpected financial burden 

Choosing cremation can also help to prevent the stress of financial worries when an unexpected death occurs. This is especially helpful when the decedent is young and has not yet made any arrangements to cover these costs for themselves through savings, funeral pre-planning, or life or burial insurance. When this is the case, family members often find themselves resorting to trying to raise cash quickly through crowdfunding, credit cards, or some type of loan to cover the costs. 

According to recent statistics, an average funeral can cost over $7,000, while a cremation can be much less expensive. In fact, in most areas cremation can result in even more cost savings if families choose options such as holding a memorial service instead of a traditional service with a viewing. Doing this allows the family to avoid costs for preparing the body for viewing, casket rental, and the use of the funeral home for the services. If the family also opts to keep the cremains in an urn at a family member's residence or scatter them in an approved location, the costs can be further reduced because no cemetery plot or marker will be needed. 

Making it possible to better plan and manage the formal farewells

An unexpected death can make it especially difficult to notify all the decedent's family members and loved ones of the tragedy and then arrange a time and date for their funeral that makes it easy for all to attend. When cremation is used instead of a traditional funeral service followed by interment, the time frame for planning and managing the formal farewell can be much less rigid. Many families find that scheduling a memorial service or celebration of life several months after the death occurs is the best way to ensure that all loved ones and family members are able to attend and offer their condolences in person. 

Although cremation is increasingly common, many people still have questions about the process and what they should expect if they choose it. If you would like to learn more about using cremation in your final plans for your loved one, contact a business like Naples Funeral Home to discuss your situation and concerns. 
